Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Keeping Dogs Calm on 4th of July

The 4th of July can be quite the celebration, but for our dogs it can be quite the nightmare. With barbecues, and fireworks there is plenty to keep us humans busy, the only downfall is the way our dogs respond. Most dogs don’t do well with the flash and bang of Fireworks. This can be a stressful night for our pups.

More dogs are lost on the 4th of July than any other day of the year, so be sure they have Identification on them! Even if your dog is not an escape artist the stress of the Fireworks can make even the calmest dog bolt. “If you know anyone who makes their dog stay outside, please urge them to keep the dog indoors on the Fourth of July in order to prevent him or her from escaping or getting injured.”[1]   

One keep tip to keeping your dog calm is to wear them out. On the 4th be sure to get your dog plenty of exercise during the day, this way the will be tired and a lot calmer when the fireworks go off.
The key to keeping your dog calm when the fireworks start is to keep yourself calm, and keep them distracted. Whether this is just being near them and petting them, or giving them something to chew on. This is a great time to use frozen raw bones, because they will keep your dog distracted for a good period of time and they are very appealing to most dogs!!

Having a place where they can hide and feel safe is always a benefit. I usually keep my dogs kennel in the same room as me and cover it with a blanket. I do not close her in, but her kennel is her safe spot so this is where she likes to hide. By covering it with a blanket she feels more protected from the flash of the fireworks.

If none of these tactics work you may try a thundershirt which has a calming effect, or try some calming pheromones (comfort zone) which may also help.

These are just a few tips, and there are many other ways to help your dog through the 4th of July. Enjoy Independence Day as I know I will, and be good to your pets!!

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