Summer is the best part of the year to get over winter
isolation! The key to enjoying summer with your dog is making sure you and your
four-legged buddy stay cool!
Dogs have a difficult time cooling themselves due to the
fact that they do not have sweat glands like humans(only on paws and nose), and
they have thick fur coats. Dogs cool themselves by panting and drinking
water. Be sure to keep plenty of fresh water around for your dog in the
summer time. If you have outside only
dogs make sure there is plenty of shade so they do not overheat. Having a dog
house in the shade for them to relax in is a great idea; there are plenty of
cooling products that can be put in a dog house like a “cool bed.”
A tip to keep your dog from overheating is to make sure you
take walks in the morning or evening. If the concrete is too hot it will burn
the pads of your dog’s feet and cause them tremendous pain. If it is too hot to
touch with your hand it is probably too hot for your dog. Do not be afraid to
cut the walk short if you need to. Your dog will understand and most likely
tire sooner on a hot day anyway. As
always be sure to take water with you on your walk to keep your dog cool!
Don’t have air
conditioning? There are plenty of other ways to keep your pets cool during the
peak heat of the day. The easiest and most effective is a kiddie pool!! Just
find a shady spot and fill it up, then relax and watch your pups rumble in the
water. The sprinkler is another option to keeping your pets cool, although some
dogs may not be a fan of the sprinkler you never know until you try. A little
known fact is that dogs cool from the bottom up, so rubbing their paws and
belly with a cold damp towel can go a long way to helping them feel more
comfortable in the heat.

These are just a few tips, and there plenty more out there.
What it comes down to, is be conscious of the heat and HAVE PLENTY OF WATER